
Bakersfield backyard putting greens * artificial grass * california golf greens * golf related articles * sports articles



Locally Owned and Operated

Southwest Greens of Bakersfield

Sports & Recreational Articles

Backyard Putting Green

Bring The Game You Love Home With A Backyard Putting Green
If there is one great equalizer in the game of golf, it's the time you spend deep in practice. No where is practice more critical than in one's short game, but often times due to time constraints or other responsibilities it is a part of the game that goes neglected. Until now that is...
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Synthetic Backyard Putting Greens

Synthetic Backyard Putting Greens A Friend To The Environment
Southwest Greens of Bakersfield has had the pleasure of bringing the game of golf to the backyards of many of your friends and neighbors courtesy of our backyard putting greens. Those who’ve made the leap have seen it enhance both their game and their home...
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